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Birth to Baccalaureate

At all G.E.T. Inc. schools, we provide a Birth to Baccalaureate (B2B) education to:


  • Get rid of any "CRITICAL GAP" in the student's school career

  • Ensure a strong foundation for education from birth

  • Guarantee a seamless and rigorous application of curriculum

  • Uniquely help prepare students for college and career in a globalized technological society

  • Enable over 18 years of developmentally appropriate personalized education

A Look at Our Day Within an Open Education Forum



Morning - (7am-9am):

  • breakfast

  • light socialization

  • children are encouraged to:

    • review the previous day

    • look ahead to what they will be learning for the current day (day’s agenda)

    • begin independent reading

  • Education facilitators - meet with all students for any concerns of students, facilitators, or leaders

  • Everyone makes sure devices are ready and charged


Whole School*: Reading and Writing - (9am-10:30am):

  • reading and writing instruction is infused with:

    • science and social studies

      • nonfiction and fiction

    • all instruction is developmentally appropriate (based on current research and neuroscience) and individualized for each child

    • based on competencies, not rigid grade levels or grading system


Whole School*: Mathematics - (10:30am-12pm):

  • mathematics instruction is infused with:

    • science and social studies

    • all instruction is developmentally appropriate (based on current research and neuroscience) and individualized for each child

    • based on competencies, not rigid grade levels or grading system


Whole School Lunch - (12pm-12:30pm)


Afternoon Review - (12:30pm-12:45pm):

  • a preview of what will be happening in the afternoon


Whole School*: Computer Science, Coding, Robotics, 3D design, Art and Design, Music, etc. - Maker Labs (12:45pm-1:30pm):

  • students participate in learning and discovering one or more of these topics

  • we uniquely provide all students with access to the skills needed for the future through educational technologies at the open education forum


Whole School*: Problem Solving (1:30pm-2:30pm):

  • students are given unique and difficult problems to solve

    • like escape rooms, but not as intense

    • problems include scientific/social/future problems

  • students then build and present solutions to problems in teams

  • we educate students who can collaboratively solve problems of the future

    • How? We make team problem-solving part of the everyday curricula, instead of focusing on individual test-taking skills.


We are not removing rigor by removing test-taking mentality, or rigid grade levels, quite the opposite. Our students will have all barriers to learning removed, allowing them to achieve advanced levels of reading, math, science, and other subjects. The culture of the open education forum imbues one with the truest form of the freedom to learn.


Review/Reflection (2:30pm-3pm):

  • students review the day


Choice of Learning (3pm-4pm):

  • students choose to learn or work on a project or subject of high-interest


Exercise/Sports (4pm-6pm/parent pick-up):

  • ​children participate in sports or exercise programs of their choosing


*All teachers are trained to co-teach all subjects.

Educational Technology
Online Learning Resources:
Our Teachers
  • Teachers are encouraged to deliver curricula with the Design Process in mind.
Strong background in Human Development and Play.
Divergent Thinking is encouraged while teaching appropriate times to think convergently.
Google for Education
Google Cardboard
raspberry pi

A fundamentally different environment for

teaching and learning:


The school of the future must be structured differently, which is why we developed the open education forum. G.E.T. Inc. open education forums replace many rigid 'old-school' paradigms with new real-world collaborative designs for learning.


  1. Integration - Flexibility - Collaboration: The personalized learning needs of each student are supported by employing flexible instructional settings; multiple scales of instruction; transparency and multiple access points for connectivity between spaces; display and mobile marker surfaces throughout to encourage learning opportunities in every space.

  2. Non-standard names are used for much of the campus:

    • the administration building is called the 'welcome center'

    • the library is called the 'loft'

    • art rooms and lab spaces are called 'makeries'

    • teacher planning rooms are called 'design centers'

    • the multipurpose room is called the 'showcase'.

      • If we change the way we talk about things, we'll change the way everyone does things.

  3. Instead of teaching students in one regular classroom throughout the day, collaborative 'pods' of 5-6 classrooms plus a 'makery' allow students and instructors to move between spaces and subjects.

  4. Grade-level based instruction is replaced with students in multiple grades and teams of instructors who rotate students each day according to individual progress.

  5. Teachers do not 'own' their classrooms; they use multiple rooms throughout the day. The school uses the Design Process for their instructional approach:

    • Research and feasibility

    • Problem identification

    • Design

    • Production

    • Presentation

  6. To foster collaboration, the administrative personnel have movable tables in an open area instead of private offices. Teachers in each of the learning 'pods' are responsible for setting their own schedule. Teachers are called 'education facilitators' since instead of teaching lessons to students, they are to encourage students to do their own exploration and ask questions, not only memorize facts.

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